DIY Inspections: Regularly walk around your home, inside and out, to identify potential issues. Look for leaks, cracks, or signs of wear and tear. Catching problems early can save you money in the long run. Common things to look for are:

seals around windows- is caulking damaged and allowing water into the house? you may not see damage on the interior- but the framing can be rotting away and the insulation can be deteriorating!

shingles- is there damage to any of your shingles? are any shingles cupped upwards? Again- you may not notice water in your home, but damage could be occurring to your roof trusses, roof sheathing and insulation

Furnace filter- this is a basic one. Replacing your air filter will not only improve your breathing experience, it will make it easier on your furnace to work properly!

Plumbing maintenance- You can’t inspect your drain pipes unless youre a homeowner with a snake camera, so this one is a proactive tip. If you have an older home, and trees, chances are you have clay drain pipes and root issues. Clay drain pipes often are not sealed in the way new drain pipes are and roots find their way towards the water in yoiur drain, eventually clogging your drain pipes. Proactively using root killer once per year can prevent sewage backup (which is not fun-trust me on this!!)


Why change your furnace filter?


Home Emergency Preparedness